
Collectif Walden @PLACCC 2024

19 july. > 20 july.

Budapest, Hungary

with 'Still Life'

The Dutch Collectief Walden presented Windstilleven together with Hungarian artists and university students in 2021. the Budapest adaptation of his site- and context-specific performance on Népsziget. In July 2024, a new local version of the production can be seen in Taliándörögd, within the framework of the Valley of the Arts - in this case, the creators were inspired by the locations and context of the Dörögdi basin.

The walking performance of the Dutch company Collectief Walden titled "Stillness of the Wind" revolves around the concept of time: what does time mean from the point of view of a person or a natural environment, how time shapes the nature around us, and through it us, how much we are able to hold on to or let go of something - in both good and bad ways. In the meantime, the question of responsibility arises, primarily the problem of our assumed or not assumed responsibility towards our natural environment.
The site- and context-specific performance is adapted to the given location and its wider context by the artists during a longer research and creative process, together with the local contributors.

The Dutch art group Collectief Walden puts the issue of the ecological crisis at the center of our works. Among the members of the troupe, in addition to actors and playwrights, you can also find biologists and philosophers, as they believe that art and science can mutually inspire each other. Their creations are location-sensitive, that is, the performance not only sensitively displays the local context, but also responds to it during the creation process.
In their performances, they never appear as fictitious characters, since they do not create fiction, but instead create installations, performances and meeting spaces at the border of science, documentary approach and art. The works most often take place in natural environments or public spaces.