
Eva Bubla @PLACCC 2023

02 sept. > 08 sept.

Budapest, Hungary

with ‘Designated Breathing Zone'

Designated Breathing Zone is a space embedded in an urban environment, reflecting on acute environmental problems, inviting local residents and passers-by to experience and sensitise public space and our common issues in a new way.

The interactive installation, which includes plants and can be walked around, can serve as a space for questioning, dialogue or even contemplation, reminding us of the importance and benefits of green spaces.

The spread of urbanisation is a global problem, with the loss of green spaces, road traffic and industrial activities all contributing to the deteriorating air quality of our urban spaces. Air pollution is also an acute problem in our country, according to the publications of the Clean Air Action Group (Levegő Munkacsoport), it causes the premature death of 13 000 people a year at national level, not to mention other health and environmental impacts.

Recent summers have also provided a suffocating illustration of the so-called heat island effect in built-up areas of cities, where not only vegetation but we ourselves are thirsty for green spaces.

The planned installation serves as a space for dialogue on this, drawing attention to the ecosystem services and benefits of green spaces, allowing them to be experienced artistically, physically and sensorially.

The installation will debut as part of the PLACCC at RAKPART programme on the traffic-free Jane Haining Quay, then it will be on display for almost a week on another location.