
Joining the dots // Bridging the gap(s)

A reflection on the European project IN SITU ACT (2016-2020)


This report presents an overview of IN SITU ACT (2016-2020), and a reflection on some of the highlights of this European cultural cooperation project which was awarded co-funding from the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

The 4-year programme strengthened a platform for artistic creation in public space through an extensive series of artistic encounters, taking diverse formats and organised across many countries of Europe.

The project was led by Lieux publics, the European and national centre for artistic creation in public space in Marseille, and implemented with 20 partners from 12 countries. These partners included festivals, cultural venues and other cultural sector producers, creators and mediators. The IN SITU project partners are located in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Netherlands, Norway, United Kingdom and the USA; associate partners came from Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain and Sri Lanka.  

While this report forms part of the final evaluation of the project, it is framed as a reflection on a significant aspect – the specific relationships built between the project’s partners with the artists to develop particular projects, formats of encounters, and working contexts.


The report was written by Judith Staines, an experienced consultant and evaluator, who has worked with many European cultural projects and international networks on issues of mobility, cultural exchange, as well as in the culture and development sector. Marie Le Sourd, Secretary General, On the Move, made important contributions to structure the evaluation report, providing research, interviews and other content. 


Download the report here