
MOOC - Create in Public Space

The latest news regarding the MOOC


Update: Tuesday, 14 April 2020


How do European curators connect with the society? With which aims, dreams and processes? The IN SITU Talks are a new series of four online encounters that will give you the chance to meet some of the IN SITU members discussing just such questions. 

Each Tuesday at 5pm (UTC+2), from April 14th on and until May 5th, in solo or duet, they will present their strategies toward their political landscape, cities and inhabitants. 

>>> Click here to read more!


Update: Monday, 30 March 2020 

The "MOOC - Create in Public Space" has re-opened!

In the light of the current situation, In Situ - European platform for artistic creation in public space and FAI-AR Formation supérieure d'art en espace public have re-opened the first MOOC dedicated to artistic creation in public space: discover all lessons, interviews and the "IN SITU TALKS", a series of encounters with IN SITU members.


MOOC - Create in public space

On the 9th of September 2019, FAI-AR and IN SITU launched the first MOOC on art in public space, as a part of the IN SITU ACT programme. Illustrated with artistic projects representative of these arts at the European scale, it specifically draws them to question in what conditions public space can become a place of artistic expression, and to explore the relationship between the artist, the artwork and the space where it is created. 

A Collaborative and European process

What is public space? Why do artists choose to work in these unconventional places? How do they use these spaces around the world? What kinds of legislation and technical characteristics do professionals have to take into account? This MOOC presents all the artistic, political and human diversity of projects in public space and the full range of their aesthetics. It is first and foremost an analytical tool and a knowledge base.

Free and available in French and English, it provides artists and international cultural stakeholders the opportunity to explore artistic creation in public space.

In short

- The course is now fully available

- You can register any time during this session

- 4 weeks of content now fully available: “Introduction to aesthetics, history and institutions” (1/4), “Specific dramaturgical issues” (2/4), “Location scouting and in situ writing methodology” (3/4), “Understanding issues related to the relationship with the audience” (4/4)

More information: