
Ici-même (Paris)

Country : France


Le grand Boom

ICI-MÊME is an urban imagination team founded in Paris in 1993.

ICI-MÊME works to subtly counterfeit reality and devoted its first works to the city of tomorrow. It continues to explore reality with “First Life”, providing audiences with immersive experiences which blur the lines between what is real and virtual in order to examine the place of the city in people (…or the other way around).

ICI-MÊME is an urban imagination team founded in Paris in 1993.
The ICI-MÊME group first made a name for itself with installations worked into daily life and a form of invisible theatre with larger-than-life characters: real fake prospective urban furniture, fake phone box shower, fake folding bench, fake time shares the size of a car parking space, fake developers, fake policemen and women... ICI-MÊME worked to subtly counterfeit reality and devoted its first works to the city of tomorrow. It continues to explore reality with “First Life”, providing audiences with immersive experiences which blur the lines between what is real and virtual in order to examine the place of the city in people (…or the other way around).