
Abhishek Thapar, Yuki Kho &Emma Lesuis @Oerol Festival 2024

with "De Archieven"

11 june.


Archival materials serve as a source of inspiration for artists Emma Lesuis and Abhishek Thapar. Our host Yuki Kho will discuss their research methods, challenges faced, and their ‘eureka’ moments with them.

Our host Yuki Kho engages in conversation with creators Emma Lesuis and Abhishek Thapar about how they each use archival material in their own unique ways to create new works. Lesuis shares insights into the creation of her production Meer dan Bauxiet (More than Bauxite). Thapar takes us through his current research for Lucana Kitchen. Where do you start with archival research, what obstacles do the creators encounter, and when was their ‘eureka’ moment?