
Selection of artists

71 emerging artists are entering the first cycle of PLATFORM

19 feb. > 21 feb.

Prague, Czech Republic

More than 550 applications from 33 countries were received after launching the first open call for emerging artists creating in public space in January 2025. 

The selection committees composed of European programmers dedicated to art in public space, met in Prague* from 18 to 21 February and carefully reviewed the large number of applications. After assessment, 71 emerging artists with 51 projects from 27 countries were selected to enter the first cycle. 

The challenge was to choose the artistic projects which not only were considered as emerging, but also which would better benefit from the PLATFORM activities. In addition, diversity in terms of geography, gender, backgrounds, and practices had to be taken into consideration.

Congratulations and welcome to our emerging artists of the first cycle of the IN SITU PLATFORM! 

3/3 collective - Amie Mbye - Anže Sekelj - AZIONI fuori POSTO - Cia. Pagans - Cie Elevate - Cirque Pardi! - Compagnie Abis - Cyrine Kalai - Darya Efrat - Olsen AS - Diona Kusari - Elisabetta Consonni - Fuzzy Earth - George Pehlivanides - Goncharova Daria - Hyacinthe Hennae – Irregulars - Jil Z - Karlijn Hamer - Kitti Baracsi - KRA - LiLi Re – Losinformalls - Marcos Krivocapich - Margarida Montenÿ - Maritea Dæhlin - Meryl Zaytoun Murman & Sebastian Tsifis - MFK Bochum - Miriam Schmid - Morana Novosel - Niel de Vries - Nocht Studio - Pau Matas Nogué - Post Disaster - R3LN4CHT - Rafael Candela - Rasmus Stenager Jensen - Roman Skadra - ROOF - Schscht - Sept fois la langue - Simon Strøyer - Stichting Wandelende Duinen - Studio Vacuüm - Sviatlana Silich & Yanina Arlova - Tangaj Collective - Vladyslav Riaboshtan - Wojciech Rybicki - Works and Works Collective

The coordination team is currently working on the PLATFORM artistic catalogue that soon will be published online.  

*The gathering in Prague was co-organised with our partner Čtyři dny.

The IN SITU PLATFORM is a project co-funded by the European Commission’s Creative Europe programme.