
Signal vom Dachstein 2024 @La Strada 2024

The four-year Community Art Project in the Dachstein region serves as a bridge between art, science, and everyday life.

26 july. > 04 aug.

Graz, Austria

Back in 2015, La Strada invited artists such as the Dutch sound researchers and composers Strijbos & Van Rijswijk to join alpinists from the region on the mountain.

 This extended exploration of the glacier, natural environment, and cultural history led to the Signal am Dachstein project, which began in 2021 with a landscape opera. The contributions of five artists have since deeply enriched the project: Marie-Theres Härtel, Christoph Huber, Katharina Pfennich, Christoph Szalay, and Stefanie Weberhofer, all of whom grew up in the region and are acutely aware of the changing climate. They are supported by mentors Toni Burger, Barbara Frischmuth, Peter Gruber, Bodo Hell, and Ernst Huber, who have a strong personal and artistic connection to this landscape.

With the audiovisual installation Signal vom Dachstein, La Strada is consolidating these artistic approaches at Schloss Trautenfels until November 3, 2024. The specially re-arranged landscape opera by Strijbos & Van Rijswijk, designed for the Marble Hall in the castle, offers an immersive experience along with recordings from the glacier. Naturally, the mountain itself serves as a central location, acting as an archive of natural and cultural history.

The exhibition at Schloss Trautenfels is accompanied by a variety of events throughout its duration. Through artistic contributions and discussions with a scientific approach, we will explore topics that were initially addressed during the "overtures" of the landscape opera in 2021: the glacier as a natural and cultural archive, biodiversity, forest and meadow, geology, meteorology, glaciology, and the touristic use of such a natural area.