

Articles, news, interviews, conversations, podcasts, critics… Exchanges on topics related to public space between artists, the civil society and cultural operators. Keeping the dialogue with European cultural policy makers and the cultural and creative sector in general, this section explores how art can have an impact on society, and vice versa.

Forged in hardship: How artists survived and resisted in the segregated Kosovo of the ‘90s


A conversation with Florent Mehmeti by Lura Limani

Theater director Florent Mehmeti recounts the fledgling underground arts scene in Prishtina and how it spurred his interest in public space.

A continuous theatrical investigation into the future of democracy: Episode 3/3


Lucas de Man & James Moore

For the IN SITU pilot project In Search of Democracy 3.0, Lucas de Man and his team of Stichting Nieuwe Heldenwork work together with IN SITU partners to make an investigation of current democracy and its challenges for the future.

A continuous theatrical investigation into the future of democracy: Episode 2/3


Emma Lesuis & Jasper van den Berg

For the IN SITU pilot project In Search of Democracy 3.0, Lucas de Man and his team of Stichting Nieuwe Helden work together with IN SITU partners to make an investigation of current democracy and its challenges for the future.In this second episode, the team explains about the research they did to nourish the performance and the media project.

A continuous theatrical investigation into the future of democracy: Episode 1/3


Jan van Tienen & Kees Lesuis

For the IN SITU pilot project In Search of Democracy 3.0, Lucas de Man and his team of Stichting Nieuwe Helden work together with IN SITU partners to make an investigation of current democracy and its challenges for the future.

An Experiment in Collective Decision-making


James Moore - Curator-producer for Østfold Internasjonale Teater

PIG is a playful experiment in collective decision-making that was conceived by the English artist Seth Honnor, Artistic Director of Kaleider. It is being co-produced as a Pilot Project within the framework of IN SITU ACT 2017–2020.



Fanni NÁNAY | PLACCC Festival

We count it as progress if we survive in the first place,’ replied Emilie Petit, art director and founder of the Alexandrian Nassim el-Raqs public dance festival, when I asked how the event has developed over the past seven years and what direction it would take in the future.

Changing Metropolis : a Framework for Action and Reflexion


Metropolis - art and performance in public space

The Metropolis 2007-2017 initiative, launched by IN SITU member Københavns Internationale Teater (KIT), aims to link the world of the arts and theatre with city life and urban development. The ambition is to forge continual collaborations crossing the disciplines of art and architecture, culture and urban planning – across local, regional and national borders.

The street belongs to us


Neil Butler (UZ Arts) & Werner Schrempf (La Strada), interviewed by Hugues Le Tanneur (Les Inrockuptibles)

Neil Butler is the former head of UZ Arts, an independent organisation based in Glasgow (Scotland) that initiates a number of cultural programmes worldwide. Amongst other work, Werner Schrempf heads La Strada festival in Graz (Austria) which he founded in 1998. These two IN SITU network members’ directors provide together their account of art in public space today.

Interview with Trevor Davies


Jean-Sebastien Steil & Ariane Bieou

Licensed city planner Trevor Davies is the director of the Metropolis biennale of art in the public space, organized by Københavns Internationale Teater in Copenhagen. He is also the head of the application committee for the city of Åarhus in the run to host the European Capital of Culture program in 2017.